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"Practicing Self-Care"—Self-Care Tips from 6 Black Broadway Performers (Episode 6)

For this week’s episode, we asked six black Broadway performers how they practice self-care, especially in the wake of an event like the white supremacist rally in Charlottesville.

“I try to connect with audiences to show them I’m beautiful, worthy of life; I am complex, that i am interesting, that i am brilliant…that I am only interested in spreading love and care…and just remember to breathe, to breathe, and know that change will come.”

“Simply by surrounding myself with love…looking in the mirror and reminding myself every day that my black is beautiful. It’s not a threat. It’s a power. And it’s something to be proud of.” 

-Nick Rashad Burroughs, Kinky Boots

“Practicing self-care is four-fold: I’m a firm believer in heart, mind, soul, and strength.” 

-Janelle McDermoth, A Bronx Tale

“Find my tribe of like-minded people and artistic souls where we can bounce ideas on how to make the world a better place…”

-John-Michael Lyles, Sweeney Todd

“I try to keep a very positive circle, because that what fuels me as performing artists, as an activist, as a black woman, as me being me. Positivity is what really helps me move through my day.”

-Chondra Profit, The Lion King

“Talking to friends and family, loved ones, having a good laugh [with them], [it] reminds me that I’m not alone in this world.” -Clinton Roane, The Scottsboro Boys


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